Forms for Download
Please click on the appropriate button to download your form. Remember, if you do not have access to a printer or time to fill out the form, you must arrive 30 minutes early to your initial appointment to fill out the appropriate paperwork. Thank you!
For our Acupuncture patients:
You must be on time to your appointment! This is not like a Western physician's office where you may wait up to 2 or 3 hours to see the doctor. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment regardless of whether you are a new or existing patient, you will not be seen. There is a tremendous amount of diagnostic evaluation involved in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and for new patients there simply is no "cutting the time short." This is not simply a process of "putting in a few pins." If your appointment begins late, this will set a domino effect in motion and cause a backup for the entire day.